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со всех языков на английский

pick up something on the way home

  • 1 pick up

    1. transitive verb
    1) (take up) [in die Hand] nehmen [Brief, Buch usw.]; hochnehmen [Baby]; [wieder] aufnehmen [Handarbeit]; aufnehmen [Masche]; auffinden [Fehler]; (after dropping) aufheben

    pick up the telephoneden [Telefon]hörer abnehmen

    pick up the pieces(lit. or fig.) die Scherben aufsammeln

    2) (collect) mitnehmen; (by arrangement) abholen (at, from von); (obtain) holen
    3) (become infected by) sich (Dat.) einfangen od. holen (ugs.) [Virus, Grippe]
    4) (take on board) [Bus, Autofahrer:] mitnehmen

    pick somebody up at or from the station — jemanden vom Bahnhof abholen

    5) (rescue from the sea) [aus Seenot] bergen
    6) (coll.): (earn) einstreichen (ugs.)
    7) (coll.): (make acquaintance of) aufreißen (ugs.)
    8) (find and arrest) festnehmen
    9) (receive) empfangen [Signal, Funkspruch usw.]
    10) (obtain casually) sich (Dat.) aneignen; bekommen [Sache]
    11) (obtain) auftreiben (ugs.)
    12) (resume) wieder aufnehmen [Erzählung, Gespräch]
    13) (regain) wieder finden [Spur, Fährte]; wieder aufnehmen [Witterung]
    14) (pay)

    pick up the bill etc. for something — die Kosten od. die Rechnung usw. für etwas übernehmen

    2. intransitive verb
    [Gesundheitszustand, Befinden, Stimmung, Laune, Wetter:] sich bessern; [Person:] sich erholen; [Markt, Geschäft:] sich erholen od. beleben; [Gewinne:] steigen, zunehmen
    3. reflexive verb

    pick oneself up — wieder aufstehen; (fig.) sich aufrappeln (ugs.)

    * * *
    1) (to learn gradually, without formal teaching: I never studied Italian - I just picked it up when I was in Italy.) aufschnappen
    2) (to let (someone) into a car, train etc in order to take him somewhere: I picked him up at the station and drove him home.) auflesen
    3) (to get (something) by chance: I picked up a bargain at the shops today.) erstehen
    4) (to right (oneself) after a fall etc; to stand up: He fell over and picked himself up again.) sich erheben
    5) (to collect (something) from somewhere: I ordered some meat from the butcher - I'll pick it up on my way home tonight.) mitnehmen
    6) ((of radio, radar etc) to receive signals: We picked up a foreign broadcast last night.) reinkriegen
    7) (to find; to catch: We lost his trail but picked it up again later; The police picked up the criminal.) auf-, hochnehmen
    * * *
    I. vt
    1. (lift)
    to \pick up up ⇆ sth/sb etw/jdn aufheben
    to \pick up up the phone [den Hörer] abnehmen; (make phone call) anrufen
    to \pick up oneself up aufstehen; (collect oneself) sich akk aufrappeln fam
    to \pick up oneself up off the floor ( fig) sich akk [langsam] erholen, sich akk wieder aufrappeln fam
    3. (acquire)
    to \pick up up ⇆ sth etw erwerben
    she \pick uped up an American accent while she was working in Boston sie hat sich, während sie in Boston gearbeitet hat, einen amerikanischen Akzent angeeignet
    I \pick uped up some useful ideas at the seminar aus dem Seminar habe ich einige gute Ideen mitgenommen
    where did she \pick up up the information? woher hat sie diese Informationen?
    to \pick up up a bargain [or good buy] ein Schnäppchen machen
    to \pick up up an illness eine Krankheit fangen fam, sich akk mit einer Krankheit anstecken
    to \pick up up a prize einen Preis verliehen bekommen
    to \pick up up ⇆ sth etw aufschnappen [o mitkriegen] fam
    to \pick up up ⇆ sb/sth jdn/etw abholen
    do you mind \pick uping me up from the station? würde es dir etwas ausmachen, mich vom Bahnhof abzuholen?
    I \pick uped up the dry-cleaning while I was in town während ich in der Stadt war, holte ich die Sachen von der Reinigung ab
    the crew of the sinking tanker were \pick uped up by helicopter die Besatzung des sinkenden Tankers wurde von einem Hubschrauber an Bord genommen
    to \pick up up passengers Fahrgäste [o Passagiere] aufnehmen
    to \pick up up ⇆ sb jdn abschleppen [o aufreißen] fam
    7. (detect)
    to \pick up up ⇆ sth etw wahrnehmen
    he's awfully quick to \pick up up any mistakes in your grammar er reagiert immer wie der Blitz darauf, wenn man einen grammatischen Fehler macht
    to \pick up up the scent Witterung aufnehmen
    to \pick up up the whiff of a fox einen Fuchs wittern
    8. (on radio)
    can you \pick up up Moscow on your radio? kannst du mit deinem Radio den Moskauer Sender empfangen?
    to \pick up up a signal ein Signal empfangen; ( fig)
    I'm \pick uping up signals that it's time we were on our way ich glaube, mir wird da signalisiert, dass wir uns jetzt auf den Weg machen sollten
    to \pick up up speed [or momentum] schneller werden; ( fig) sich akk verstärken
    her career began to \pick up up speed mit ihrer Karriere ging es steil bergauf
    10. ( fam: stop)
    to \pick up up ⇆ sb jdn schnappen fam
    she was \pick uped up by the police for speeding sie wurde von der Polizei wegen überhöhter Geschwindigkeit angehalten
    11. BRIT, AUS (correct)
    to \pick up sb up on sth jdn auf etw akk aufmerksam machen
    the teacher \pick uped him up on his pronunciation der Lehrer verbesserte seine Aussprache
    12. ( fam: earn)
    to \pick up up £300 300 Pfund verdienen
    he can \pick up up $100 an evening just in tips er kann am Abend allein in Trinkgeldern bis zu 100 Dollar machen
    to \pick up up ⇆ sth an etw akk anknüpfen, auf etw akk zurückkommen
    we \pick uped up the conversation again more or less where we had left off the previous evening wir setzten die Unterhaltung mehr oder weniger da fort, wo wir gestern Abend stehen geblieben waren
    to \pick up up the bill [or tab] [or AM also check] ( fam) [die Rechnung] [be]zahlen
    the consumer will be forced to \pick up up the bill for this scheme am Ende wird der Verbraucher für dieses Programm zur Kasse gebeten werden
    to \pick up up the pieces die Scherben kitten
    to \pick up up the threads den Faden wieder aufnehmen
    they \pick uped up the threads of their conversation/discussion sie nahmen den Faden ihres Gesprächs/ihrer Diskussion wieder auf
    they \pick uped up the threads of their marriage sie haben in ihrer Ehe einen Neuanfang gemacht
    II. vi
    1. (improve) sich akk bessern, besser werden; numbers steigen; market sich erholen
    his spirits began to \pick up up seine Laune begann sich zu bessern
    my interest \pick uped up when the film became centred on the trial proceedings mein Interesse erwachte wieder, als der Film sich auf die Gerichtsverhandlung konzentrierte
    to \pick up up where one left off da weitermachen, wo man aufgehört hat
    3. (notice)
    to \pick up up on sb/sth jdn/etw bemerken [o wahrnehmen]; (react to) auf etw akk reagieren
    4. esp AM (clean up) aufräumen
    to \pick up up after sb jdm hinterherräumen
    5. esp BRIT (come into contact)
    to \pick up up with sb mit jdm Bekanntschaft schließen
    * * *
    1. vt sep
    1) (= take up) aufheben; (= lift momentarily) hochheben; stitch aufnehmen

    it's the sort of book you can pick up when you have a free minutedas ist so ein Buch, das man mal zwischendurch lesen kann

    the interviewer picked up this reference and... — der Interviewer nahm diese Bemerkung auf or knüpfte an diese Bemerkung an und...

    2) (= get) holen; (= buy) bekommen; (= acquire) habit sich (dat) angewöhnen; news, gossip aufschnappen; illness sich (dat) holen or zuziehen; (= earn) verdienen; medal bekommen, erhalten

    to pick sth up at a saleetw im Ausverkauf erwischen

    to pick up speed —

    you never know what you'll pick up (= what illness etc)man weiß nie, was man sich (dat) da holen or zuziehen kann

    3) (= learn) skill etc sich (dat) aneignen; language lernen; accent, word aufschnappen; information, tips etc herausbekommen; idea aufgreifen

    where did you pick up that idea?wo hast du denn die Idee her?

    4) (= collect) person, goods abholen

    I'll come and pick you upich hole dich ab, ich komme dich abholen

    5) (bus etc) passengers aufnehmen; (in car) mitnehmen
    6) (= rescue: helicopter, lifeboat) bergen
    7) (= arrest, catch) wanted man, criminal schnappen (inf)

    they picked him up for questioning — sie haben ihn geholt, um ihn zu vernehmen

    8) (inf) girl aufgabeln (inf)
    9) (= find) road finden
    10) (RAD) station hereinbekommen, (rein)kriegen (inf); message empfangen, auffangen; (= see) beacon etc ausmachen, sichten; (on radar) ausmachen; (record stylus) sound aufnehmen

    the surface was clearly picked up by the satellite's cameras —

    11) (Brit: correct, put right) korrigieren
    12) (= restore to health) wieder auf die Beine stellen
    13) (= spot, identify) mistakes finden
    14) (US inf = tidy) room auf Vordermann bringen (inf)
    2. vi
    1) (= improve) besser werden; (appetite) zunehmen; (currency) sich erholen; (business after slump) sich erholen; (engine) rund laufen; (= accelerate) schneller werden
    2) (= continue) weitermachen

    to pick up where one left off — da weitermachen, wo man aufgehört hat

    to pick up with sb (= get to know) he has picked up with a rather strange crowd — jds Bekanntschaft machen er hat mit merkwürdigen Leuten Umgang

    * * *
    A v/t
    1. den Boden aufhacken
    2. a) aufheben, -nehmen, -lesen, in die Hand nehmen, packen, ergreifen, SPORT einen Pass aufnehmen
    b) aufpicken (Vogel):
    pick up things after sb hinter jemandem herräumen; academic.ru/30597/gauntlet">gauntlet1 2
    3. umg
    a) aufnehmen:
    b) jemanden abholen ( at the station vom Bahnhof)
    c) etwas (ab)holen ( from von)
    4. umg
    a) ein Mädchen aufgabeln, auflesen
    b) jemanden aus dem Wasser ziehen
    c) sich eine Krankheit etc holen oder einfangen
    d) einen Anhalter mitnehmen
    5. umg jemanden aufgreifen, hochnehmen (verhaften)
    6. eine Spur aufnehmen
    7. Strickmaschen aufnehmen
    8. umg einen Rundfunksender bekommen, (rein)kriegen
    9. eine Sendung empfangen, (ab)hören, einen Funkspruch etc auffangen
    10. in Sicht bekommen
    11. in den Schweinwerfer bekommen
    12. ergattern, erstehen, aufgabeln:
    pick up a few dollars sich (mit Gelegenheitsarbeiten etc) ein paar Dollar verdienen
    13. mitbekommen, mitkriegen, zufällig erfahren oder hören, aufschnappen:
    pick up a knowledge of French ein bisschen Französisch lernen
    14. Mut, Kraft etc wiedererlangen:
    pick up courage Mut fassen
    15. gewinnen, einheimsen umg:
    pick up profit Profit machen;
    pick up victories besonders SPORT (ständig) Siege ernten oder einheimsen
    16. gewinnen oder zunehmen an Macht, Stärke etc:
    pick up speed B 4
    17. pick o.s. up sich hochrappeln umg:
    a) aufstehen
    b) (wieder) hochkommen, sich erholen
    18. eine Erzählung etc wieder aufnehmen: thread A 6
    19. umg mitgehen lassen (stehlen)
    20. US umg eine Rechnung übernehmen (u. bezahlen)
    B v/i
    1. pick up after sb hinter jemandem herräumen
    2. fig
    a) wieder auf die Beine kommen, auch WIRTSCH sich (wieder) erholen
    b) besser werden (Wetter etc)
    3. Bekanntschaft schließen, sich anfreunden ( beide:
    with mit)
    4. Geschwindigkeit aufnehmen, schneller werden, auf Touren oder in Fahrt kommen
    5. fig stärker werden (Wind etc)
    * * *
    1. transitive verb
    1) (take up) [in die Hand] nehmen [Brief, Buch usw.]; hochnehmen [Baby]; [wieder] aufnehmen [Handarbeit]; aufnehmen [Masche]; auffinden [Fehler]; (after dropping) aufheben

    pick up the telephone — den [Telefon]hörer abnehmen

    pick up the pieces(lit. or fig.) die Scherben aufsammeln

    2) (collect) mitnehmen; (by arrangement) abholen (at, from von); (obtain) holen
    3) (become infected by) sich (Dat.) einfangen od. holen (ugs.) [Virus, Grippe]
    4) (take on board) [Bus, Autofahrer:] mitnehmen

    pick somebody up at or from the station — jemanden vom Bahnhof abholen

    5) (rescue from the sea) [aus Seenot] bergen
    6) (coll.): (earn) einstreichen (ugs.)
    7) (coll.): (make acquaintance of) aufreißen (ugs.)
    8) (find and arrest) festnehmen
    9) (receive) empfangen [Signal, Funkspruch usw.]
    10) (obtain casually) sich (Dat.) aneignen; bekommen [Sache]
    11) (obtain) auftreiben (ugs.)
    12) (resume) wieder aufnehmen [Erzählung, Gespräch]
    13) (regain) wieder finden [Spur, Fährte]; wieder aufnehmen [Witterung]
    14) (pay)

    pick up the bill etc. for something — die Kosten od. die Rechnung usw. für etwas übernehmen

    2. intransitive verb
    [Gesundheitszustand, Befinden, Stimmung, Laune, Wetter:] sich bessern; [Person:] sich erholen; [Markt, Geschäft:] sich erholen od. beleben; [Gewinne:] steigen, zunehmen
    3. reflexive verb

    pick oneself up — wieder aufstehen; (fig.) sich aufrappeln (ugs.)

    * * *
    (telephone) v.
    abnehmen v. v.
    aufheben v.
    auflesen v.
    aufnehmen v.
    aufsammeln v.
    mitnehmen v.

    English-german dictionary > pick up

  • 2 pick up

    1) (improve) [trade, market] essere in ripresa; [weather, performance, health] migliorare; [ sick person] ristabilirsi
    2) (resume) riprendere

    to pick up (from) where one left off — riprendere da dove ci si era fermati; pick [sb., sth.] up, pick up [sb., sth.]

    3) (lift, take hold of) (to tidy) raccogliere; (to examine) prendere (in mano) [ object]; (after fall) tirare su; (for cuddle) prendere fra le braccia [ person]
    4) (collect) dare un passaggio a [ hitcher]; caricare [ cargo]; fare salire [ passenger]; (andare a) ritirare [ticket, keys]

    could you pick me up?puoi venirmi a prendere? pick [sth.] up, pick up [sth.]

    5) (buy) prendere, comprare [milk, bread, newspaper]
    6) (learn, acquire) imparare [ language]; prendere [habit, accent]; sviluppare [ skill]
    7) (catch) prendere [ illness]
    8) (notice, register) [ person] scovare, trovare [ error]; [ machine] rilevare [ defect]
    9) (detect) [person, animal] trovare [trail, scent]; [searchlight, radar] segnalare la presenza di, individuare [aircraft, person, object]; rad. tel. captare [ signal]
    10) (gain, earn) guadagnare [ point]; aumentare di [ size]
    11) (resume) riprendere [conversation, career]

    you'll soon pick up your Italian again — ricomincerai in fretta a parlare italiano; pick [sb.] up, pick up [sb.]

    12) (rescue) soccorrere, portare in salvo [ person]
    13) (arrest) arrestare [ suspect]
    14) (meet) spreg. abbordare [ person]; rimorchiare [ partner]; caricare (in macchina) [ prostitute]
    15) (find fault with) riprendere, fare delle critiche a [ person] (on su); pick oneself up
    16) (get up) alzarsi
    17) fig. (recover) riprendersi, rimettersi
    * * *
    1) (to learn gradually, without formal teaching: I never studied Italian - I just picked it up when I was in Italy.) imparare
    2) (to let (someone) into a car, train etc in order to take him somewhere: I picked him up at the station and drove him home.) prendere su
    3) (to get (something) by chance: I picked up a bargain at the shops today.) trovare
    4) (to right (oneself) after a fall etc; to stand up: He fell over and picked himself up again.) rialzarsi
    5) (to collect (something) from somewhere: I ordered some meat from the butcher - I'll pick it up on my way home tonight.) prendere
    6) ((of radio, radar etc) to receive signals: We picked up a foreign broadcast last night.) ricevere
    7) (to find; to catch: We lost his trail but picked it up again later; The police picked up the criminal.) ritrovare; prendere
    * * *
    1. vt + adv
    1) (lift: sth dropped) raccogliere, raccattare, (sb fallen) tirar su

    to pick o.s. up — rialzarsi

    2) (collect: goods, person) passare a prendere

    we'll come to the airport to pick you up — veniamo a prenderti all'aeroporto, (subj : bus etc) far salire, caricare, (rescue) raccogliere, (from sea) ripescare, (arrest) arrestare

    3) (acquire: sale bargain) trovare, (information, points in exam, germ) prendere, (learn: habit, ideas) prendere, (skill, language, tricks) imparare
    4) Radio TV Telec captare
    2. vi + adv
    1) (improve: gen) migliorare, (wages) aumentare, (invalid, business) riprendersi, (weather) rimettersi
    2) (continue) continuare, riprendere
    * * *
    1) (improve) [trade, market] essere in ripresa; [weather, performance, health] migliorare; [ sick person] ristabilirsi
    2) (resume) riprendere

    to pick up (from) where one left off — riprendere da dove ci si era fermati; pick [sb., sth.] up, pick up [sb., sth.]

    3) (lift, take hold of) (to tidy) raccogliere; (to examine) prendere (in mano) [ object]; (after fall) tirare su; (for cuddle) prendere fra le braccia [ person]
    4) (collect) dare un passaggio a [ hitcher]; caricare [ cargo]; fare salire [ passenger]; (andare a) ritirare [ticket, keys]

    could you pick me up?puoi venirmi a prendere? pick [sth.] up, pick up [sth.]

    5) (buy) prendere, comprare [milk, bread, newspaper]
    6) (learn, acquire) imparare [ language]; prendere [habit, accent]; sviluppare [ skill]
    7) (catch) prendere [ illness]
    8) (notice, register) [ person] scovare, trovare [ error]; [ machine] rilevare [ defect]
    9) (detect) [person, animal] trovare [trail, scent]; [searchlight, radar] segnalare la presenza di, individuare [aircraft, person, object]; rad. tel. captare [ signal]
    10) (gain, earn) guadagnare [ point]; aumentare di [ size]
    11) (resume) riprendere [conversation, career]

    you'll soon pick up your Italian again — ricomincerai in fretta a parlare italiano; pick [sb.] up, pick up [sb.]

    12) (rescue) soccorrere, portare in salvo [ person]
    13) (arrest) arrestare [ suspect]
    14) (meet) spreg. abbordare [ person]; rimorchiare [ partner]; caricare (in macchina) [ prostitute]
    15) (find fault with) riprendere, fare delle critiche a [ person] (on su); pick oneself up
    16) (get up) alzarsi
    17) fig. (recover) riprendersi, rimettersi

    English-Italian dictionary > pick up

  • 3 pick up

    1) (to learn gradually, without formal teaching: I never studied Italian - I just picked it up when I was in Italy.) aprender
    2) (to let (someone) into a car, train etc in order to take him somewhere: I picked him up at the station and drove him home.) recoger, pasar a buscar
    3) (to get (something) by chance: I picked up a bargain at the shops today.) conseguir, encontrar
    4) (to right (oneself) after a fall etc; to stand up: He fell over and picked himself up again.) ponerse de pie, levantarse
    5) (to collect (something) from somewhere: I ordered some meat from the butcher - I'll pick it up on my way home tonight.) coger, recoger
    6) ((of radio, radar etc) to receive signals: We picked up a foreign broadcast last night.) captar, recibir, sintonizar
    7) (to find; to catch: We lost his trail but picked it up again later; The police picked up the criminal.) encontrar, coger
    1. ir a recoger
    2. recoger
    1) lift: levantar
    2) tidy: arreglar, ordenar
    improve: mejorar
    pick up (Radio station, etc.)
    captar v.
    alzar v.
    levantar v.
    recoger v.
    1) v + o + adv, v + adv + o
    (gather off floor, ground) recoger*; ( take) tomar, agarrar (esp AmL), coger* (esp Esp); ( lift up) levantar

    to pick oneself up — reponerse*; (lit: after falling) levantarse

    to pick up the tab o (BrE also) bill — cargar* con la cuenta, cargar* con el muerto (fam)

    she picked up the check — (AmE) pagó ella

    a) ( learn) \<\<language\>\> aprender; \<\<habit\>\> adquirir, agarrar (esp AmL), coger* (esp Esp)

    it's not hard, you'll soon pick it up — no es difícil, ya verás cómo enseguida le agarras la onda or (Esp) le coges el tranquillo (fam)

    b) ( acquire) \<\<bargain\>\> conseguir*, encontrar*
    a) (collect, fetch) recoger*, pasar a buscar

    could you pick up some eggs for me? — ¿me traes unos huevos?

    b) ( take on board) \<\<passenger\>\> recoger*
    c) ( rescue) rescatar
    d) ( arrest) detener*
    e) (colloq) \<\<man/woman\>\> ligarse* (fam), levantar (AmS fam)
    a) ( receive) \<\<signal\>\> captar, recibir
    b) ( detect) detectar
    5) ( resume) \<\<conversation\>\> reanudar
    6) v + adv + o
    a) ( earn) (colloq) hacer* (fam), sacar* (fam)
    b) ( gain) \<\<speed\>\> agarrar, coger* (esp Esp)
    7) ( tidy) (AmE colloq) \<\<room/house\>\> ordenar
    8) v + o + adv
    a) ( revive) reanimar
    b) ( correct) corregir*

    to pick somebody up on something: she picked him up on a few points of historical detail — le señaló algunos detalles históricos donde se había equivocado

    9) v + adv
    a) ( improve) \<\<prices/sales\>\> subir, repuntar; \<\<economy/business\>\> repuntar; \<\<invalid\>\> mejorar, recuperarse; \<\<weather\>\> mejorar
    b) ( resume) seguir*, continuar*
    10) ( notice) (colloq)

    to pick up on something — darse* cuenta de algo

    1. VT + ADV
    1) (=lift) [+ box, suitcase, cat] levantar; [+ dropped object] recoger, coger; (=take hold of) tomar, coger, agarrar (LAm)

    she picked up a pencil and fiddled with ittomó or cogió or (LAm) agarró un lápiz y se puso a enredar con él

    to pick up the bill or tab (for sth) *pagar la cuenta (de algo)

    to pick o.s. up — (lit) levantarse, ponerse de pie; (fig) recuperarse, reponerse

    piece 1., 1)
    2) (=collect) [+ person] recoger, ir a buscar (esp LAm); (=give lift to) [+ hitch-hiker, passenger] recoger, coger

    did you pick up my laundry? — ¿recogiste mi colada?

    3) (=learn) [+ language, skill] aprender; [+ accent, habit] coger, agarrar (LAm), adquirir frm
    4) (=buy) comprar; (=find) [+ bargain] encontrar; (=catch) [+ disease] coger, agarrar (LAm), pillar *

    an old car he picked up for £250 — un coche viejo que compró por 250 libras

    5) * (=earn, gain) ganar, sacarse

    she picks up £400 a week — gana or se saca 400 libras a la semana

    it picked up the best musical awardganó or se llevó el premio al mejor musical

    to pick up speed — acelerar, coger velocidad, tomar velocidad (LAm)

    6) * (sexually) ligarse a *

    are you trying to pick me up? — ¿estás intentando ligar conmigo?

    7) (Rad, TV) [+ station, channel] captar, coger; (Tech) [+ signal] captar, registrar

    we can pick up Italian televisionpodemos captar or coger la televisión italiana

    8) (=notice, detect)

    she picked up every mistakeno se le escapó ni un error

    I had no difficulty picking up the signals he was sending me — (fig) no tuve problemas para captar las indirectas que me estaba mandando

    scent 1., 3)
    9) (=resume) [+ conversation, narrative] continuar; [+ relationship] reanudar; thread 1., 1)
    10) (=focus on)
    11) (=reprimand) reñir, reprender

    she picked him up for using bad languagele riñó or le reprendió por decir palabrotas

    12) (=correct)

    he picked me up on my grammar — me señaló diversas faltas de gramática

    13) (=rescue) recoger, rescatar
    14) (=arrest) detener
    15) (=revive) [+ person] reanimar
    16) (US) * (=tidy) [+ room, house] recoger
    2. VI + ADV
    1) (=improve) [conditions, weather, sales] mejorar; [market, economy] reponerse; [business, trade] ir mejor; [prices] volver a subir
    2) (=increase) [wind] levantarse
    3) (=continue)

    to pick up where one left off[+ activity, conversation, relationship] continuar donde se había dejado

    4) (=notice, react to)

    I was getting nervous and he picked up on that — me estaba poniendo nervioso y él lo captó or se dio cuenta

    5) * (=become involved with)

    to pick up with sb — juntarse con algn

    6) (=tidy up)

    to pick up after sb — ir recogiendo detrás de algn

    * * *
    1) v + o + adv, v + adv + o
    (gather off floor, ground) recoger*; ( take) tomar, agarrar (esp AmL), coger* (esp Esp); ( lift up) levantar

    to pick oneself up — reponerse*; (lit: after falling) levantarse

    to pick up the tab o (BrE also) bill — cargar* con la cuenta, cargar* con el muerto (fam)

    she picked up the check — (AmE) pagó ella

    a) ( learn) \<\<language\>\> aprender; \<\<habit\>\> adquirir, agarrar (esp AmL), coger* (esp Esp)

    it's not hard, you'll soon pick it up — no es difícil, ya verás cómo enseguida le agarras la onda or (Esp) le coges el tranquillo (fam)

    b) ( acquire) \<\<bargain\>\> conseguir*, encontrar*
    a) (collect, fetch) recoger*, pasar a buscar

    could you pick up some eggs for me? — ¿me traes unos huevos?

    b) ( take on board) \<\<passenger\>\> recoger*
    c) ( rescue) rescatar
    d) ( arrest) detener*
    e) (colloq) \<\<man/woman\>\> ligarse* (fam), levantar (AmS fam)
    a) ( receive) \<\<signal\>\> captar, recibir
    b) ( detect) detectar
    5) ( resume) \<\<conversation\>\> reanudar
    6) v + adv + o
    a) ( earn) (colloq) hacer* (fam), sacar* (fam)
    b) ( gain) \<\<speed\>\> agarrar, coger* (esp Esp)
    7) ( tidy) (AmE colloq) \<\<room/house\>\> ordenar
    8) v + o + adv
    a) ( revive) reanimar
    b) ( correct) corregir*

    to pick somebody up on something: she picked him up on a few points of historical detail — le señaló algunos detalles históricos donde se había equivocado

    9) v + adv
    a) ( improve) \<\<prices/sales\>\> subir, repuntar; \<\<economy/business\>\> repuntar; \<\<invalid\>\> mejorar, recuperarse; \<\<weather\>\> mejorar
    b) ( resume) seguir*, continuar*
    10) ( notice) (colloq)

    to pick up on something — darse* cuenta de algo

    English-spanish dictionary > pick up

  • 4 pick up

    1) (to learn gradually, without formal teaching: I never studied Italian - I just picked it up when I was in Italy.) tilegne sig
    2) (to let (someone) into a car, train etc in order to take him somewhere: I picked him up at the station and drove him home.) hente
    3) (to get (something) by chance: I picked up a bargain at the shops today.) gøre en god handel
    4) (to right (oneself) after a fall etc; to stand up: He fell over and picked himself up again.) komme på benene; rejse sig op
    5) (to collect (something) from somewhere: I ordered some meat from the butcher - I'll pick it up on my way home tonight.) hente
    6) ((of radio, radar etc) to receive signals: We picked up a foreign broadcast last night.) modtage
    7) (to find; to catch: We lost his trail but picked it up again later; The police picked up the criminal.) finde; fange
    * * *
    1) (to learn gradually, without formal teaching: I never studied Italian - I just picked it up when I was in Italy.) tilegne sig
    2) (to let (someone) into a car, train etc in order to take him somewhere: I picked him up at the station and drove him home.) hente
    3) (to get (something) by chance: I picked up a bargain at the shops today.) gøre en god handel
    4) (to right (oneself) after a fall etc; to stand up: He fell over and picked himself up again.) komme på benene; rejse sig op
    5) (to collect (something) from somewhere: I ordered some meat from the butcher - I'll pick it up on my way home tonight.) hente
    6) ((of radio, radar etc) to receive signals: We picked up a foreign broadcast last night.) modtage
    7) (to find; to catch: We lost his trail but picked it up again later; The police picked up the criminal.) finde; fange

    English-Danish dictionary > pick up

  • 5 pick up

    1) (to learn gradually, without formal teaching: I never studied Italian - I just picked it up when I was in Italy.) naučiti se mimogrede
    2) (to let (someone) into a car, train etc in order to take him somewhere: I picked him up at the station and drove him home.) pobrati
    3) (to get (something) by chance: I picked up a bargain at the shops today.) naleteti na
    4) (to right (oneself) after a fall etc; to stand up: He fell over and picked himself up again.) pobrati se
    5) (to collect (something) from somewhere: I ordered some meat from the butcher - I'll pick it up on my way home tonight.) dvigniti
    6) ((of radio, radar etc) to receive signals: We picked up a foreign broadcast last night.) uloviti
    7) (to find; to catch: We lost his trail but picked it up again later; The police picked up the criminal.) odkriti; prijeti
    * * *
    transitive verb
    razkopati, odkopati (s krampom); vzdigniti, pobrati; vzeti v roke, poprijeti, na novo začeti, lotiti se česa; vzeti koga v avto, pobrati koga s ceste, priti po koga (z avtom); colloquially mimogrede spoznati koga; American slang prijeti koga, aretirati; odkriti (sled); uloviti, najti, prisluškovati (radijski oddaji); zagledati, naleteti na, najti (npr. staro sliko); slučajno izvedeti, slišati ali zagledati, mimogrede se naučiti, pobrati (npr. par tujih besed); nazaj dobiti (moč, zdravje); American pospešiti; American colloquially vzeti (račun) nase in plačati;
    intransitive verb economy
    postaviti se zopet na noge, opomoči si; popraviti se; seznaniti se, spoprijateljiti se ( with); povečati brzino; figuratively priti k moči
    to pick o.s. upali to pick up one's crumbs — okrevati, opomoči si

    English-Slovenian dictionary > pick up

  • 6 pick up

    1) (to learn gradually, without formal teaching: I never studied Italian - I just picked it up when I was in Italy.) lære, tilegne seg, plukke opp
    2) (to let (someone) into a car, train etc in order to take him somewhere: I picked him up at the station and drove him home.) hente, plukke/ta opp
    3) (to get (something) by chance: I picked up a bargain at the shops today.) finne, komme over
    4) (to right (oneself) after a fall etc; to stand up: He fell over and picked himself up again.) komme seg på beina
    5) (to collect (something) from somewhere: I ordered some meat from the butcher - I'll pick it up on my way home tonight.) hente
    6) ((of radio, radar etc) to receive signals: We picked up a foreign broadcast last night.) fange opp, ta inn
    7) (to find; to catch: We lost his trail but picked it up again later; The police picked up the criminal.) finne igjen; fange
    subst. \/ˈpɪkʌp\/
    1) liten, åpen varebil, pickup
    2) ( hverdagslig) kjøring, henting (om passasjerer el. varer)
    3) (hverdagslig, om økonomi e.l) fremgang, oppgang
    4) ( hverdagslig) tilfeldig (seksuelt) bekjentskap
    5) ( på platespiller) pickup
    6) (elektromagnetisk) mikrofon
    7) ( hverdagslig) akselerasjon, hastighetsøkning, akselerasjonsevne
    8) sepick-me-up
    9) (amer. radio eller TV) mottaking, mottaker, der man sender (TV- eller radiosendinger) fra

    English-Norwegian dictionary > pick up

  • 7 pick up

    1. vi
    health poprawiać się (poprawić się perf); economy, trade polepszać się (polepszyć się perf)
    2. vt
    ( lift) podnosić (podnieść perf); ( arrest) przymykać (przymknąć perf) (inf); ( collect) person, parcel odbierać (odebrać perf); hitchhiker zabierać (zabrać perf); girl podrywać (poderwać perf); language, skill nauczyć się ( perf) +gen; (RADIO) łapać (złapać perf) (inf)

    to pick o.s. up — zbierać się (pozbierać się perf), podnieść się ( perf)

    let's pick up where we left off — zacznijmy tam, gdzie przerwaliśmy

    * * *
    1) (to learn gradually, without formal teaching: I never studied Italian - I just picked it up when I was in Italy.) podłapać, nauczyć się
    2) (to let (someone) into a car, train etc in order to take him somewhere: I picked him up at the station and drove him home.) zabierać
    3) (to get (something) by chance: I picked up a bargain at the shops today.) zdobyć, upolować
    4) (to right (oneself) after a fall etc; to stand up: He fell over and picked himself up again.) pozbierać się
    5) (to collect (something) from somewhere: I ordered some meat from the butcher - I'll pick it up on my way home tonight.) odbierać
    6) ((of radio, radar etc) to receive signals: We picked up a foreign broadcast last night.) łapać
    7) (to find; to catch: We lost his trail but picked it up again later; The police picked up the criminal.) trafić na, złapać

    English-Polish dictionary > pick up

  • 8 pick up

    1) (to learn gradually, without formal teaching: I never studied Italian - I just picked it up when I was in Italy.) læra (án formlegrar kennslu)
    2) (to let (someone) into a car, train etc in order to take him somewhere: I picked him up at the station and drove him home.) taka upp í, sækja
    3) (to get (something) by chance: I picked up a bargain at the shops today.) næla sér í
    4) (to right (oneself) after a fall etc; to stand up: He fell over and picked himself up again.) rísa á fætur
    5) (to collect (something) from somewhere: I ordered some meat from the butcher - I'll pick it up on my way home tonight.) sækja, ná í
    6) ((of radio, radar etc) to receive signals: We picked up a foreign broadcast last night.)
    7) (to find; to catch: We lost his trail but picked it up again later; The police picked up the criminal.) finna, handsama

    English-Icelandic dictionary > pick up

  • 9 pick up

    1) (to learn gradually, without formal teaching: I never studied Italian - I just picked it up when I was in Italy.) (gyorsan) elsajátít (vmit)
    2) (to let (someone) into a car, train etc in order to take him somewhere: I picked him up at the station and drove him home.) felvesz
    3) (to get (something) by chance: I picked up a bargain at the shops today.) kifog vmit
    4) (to right (oneself) after a fall etc; to stand up: He fell over and picked himself up again.) feláll (esés után)
    5) (to collect (something) from somewhere: I ordered some meat from the butcher - I'll pick it up on my way home tonight.) felcsíp
    6) ((of radio, radar etc) to receive signals: We picked up a foreign broadcast last night.) fog
    7) (to find; to catch: We lost his trail but picked it up again later; The police picked up the criminal.) nyomára bukkan

    English-Hungarian dictionary > pick up

  • 10 pick up

    1) (to learn gradually, without formal teaching: I never studied Italian - I just picked it up when I was in Italy.) aprender de ouvido
    2) (to let (someone) into a car, train etc in order to take him somewhere: I picked him up at the station and drove him home.) apanhar
    3) (to get (something) by chance: I picked up a bargain at the shops today.) apanhar
    4) (to right (oneself) after a fall etc; to stand up: He fell over and picked himself up again.) levantar-se
    5) (to collect (something) from somewhere: I ordered some meat from the butcher - I'll pick it up on my way home tonight.) pegar
    6) ((of radio, radar etc) to receive signals: We picked up a foreign broadcast last night.) receber
    7) (to find; to catch: We lost his trail but picked it up again later; The police picked up the criminal.) apanhar

    English-Portuguese dictionary > pick up

  • 11 pick up

    v. toplamak, toparlamak, yerden kaldırmak, almak, arabaya almak, arabayla almak, kaldırmak, adam seçmek (oyun), tutuklamak, algılamak, kavramak, kafası almak, toparlanmak, iyileşmek, dostluk kurmak, hızlanmak, hız kazanmak, kazmak
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (to learn gradually, without formal teaching: I never studied Italian - I just picked it up when I was in Italy.) pratikten öğrenmek
    2) (to let (someone) into a car, train etc in order to take him somewhere: I picked him up at the station and drove him home.) arabaya almak
    3) (to get (something) by chance: I picked up a bargain at the shops today.) tesadüfen almak/bulmak/öğrenmek
    4) (to right (oneself) after a fall etc; to stand up: He fell over and picked himself up again.) (ayağa) kalkmak
    5) (to collect (something) from somewhere: I ordered some meat from the butcher - I'll pick it up on my way home tonight.) gidip uğrayıp almak
    6) ((of radio, radar etc) to receive signals: We picked up a foreign broadcast last night.) almak
    7) (to find; to catch: We lost his trail but picked it up again later; The police picked up the criminal.) bulmak, yakalamak

    English-Turkish dictionary > pick up

  • 12 pick up

    • oppia
    • ottaa mukaan
    • palautua
    • saada takaisin
    • tointua
    • toipua
    • nyppiä
    • nostaa
    • nokkia
    • noukkia
    • noutaa
    • noppia
    • iskeä
    • tutustua
    • vaurastua
    • vastaanottaa
    • virkistyä
    • vetää
    • virota
    • vilkastua
    • elpyä
    • aktivoitua
    • vahventua
    • vahveta
    • vahvistua
    • voimistua
    • rekisteröidä
    • tervehtyä
    • tehostua
    • kerätä
    • kiihtyä
    • keräillä
    • hakea
    • hankkia
    • napata
    • pidättää
    • parantua
    • löytää
    • yltyä
    • kuntoutua
    • koventua
    • koveta
    • piristyä
    • poimia
    • koota
    * * *
    1) (to learn gradually, without formal teaching: I never studied Italian - I just picked it up when I was in Italy.) oppia
    2) (to let (someone) into a car, train etc in order to take him somewhere: I picked him up at the station and drove him home.) poimia kyytiin
    3) (to get (something) by chance: I picked up a bargain at the shops today.) tehdä hyvä kauppa
    4) (to right (oneself) after a fall etc; to stand up: He fell over and picked himself up again.) nousta pystyyn
    5) (to collect (something) from somewhere: I ordered some meat from the butcher - I'll pick it up on my way home tonight.) noutaa
    6) ((of radio, radar etc) to receive signals: We picked up a foreign broadcast last night.) saada kuuluviin
    7) (to find; to catch: We lost his trail but picked it up again later; The police picked up the criminal.) löytää, saada kiinni

    English-Finnish dictionary > pick up

  • 13 pick up

    1) (to learn gradually, without formal teaching: I never studied Italian - I just picked it up when I was in Italy.) iemācīties (pēc dzirdes, vērojuma)
    2) (to let (someone) into a car, train etc in order to take him somewhere: I picked him up at the station and drove him home.) uzņemt (kā pasažieri); aizvest
    3) (to get (something) by chance: I picked up a bargain at the shops today.) nejauši dabūt
    4) (to right (oneself) after a fall etc; to stand up: He fell over and picked himself up again.) atgūties; atžirgt
    5) (to collect (something) from somewhere: I ordered some meat from the butcher - I'll pick it up on my way home tonight.) paņemt
    6) ((of radio, radar etc) to receive signals: We picked up a foreign broadcast last night.) uztvert
    7) (to find; to catch: We lost his trail but picked it up again later; The police picked up the criminal.) tikt uz pēdām; saņemt ciet

    English-Latvian dictionary > pick up

  • 14 pick up

    1) (to learn gradually, without formal teaching: I never studied Italian - I just picked it up when I was in Italy.) išmokti, pramokti
    2) (to let (someone) into a car, train etc in order to take him somewhere: I picked him up at the station and drove him home.) paimti (pavežėti)
    3) (to get (something) by chance: I picked up a bargain at the shops today.) sumedžioti, gauti
    4) (to right (oneself) after a fall etc; to stand up: He fell over and picked himself up again.) atsistoti, pasitaisyti
    5) (to collect (something) from somewhere: I ordered some meat from the butcher - I'll pick it up on my way home tonight.) užsukti paimti
    6) ((of radio, radar etc) to receive signals: We picked up a foreign broadcast last night.) pagauti
    7) (to find; to catch: We lost his trail but picked it up again later; The police picked up the criminal.) surasti, pagauti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > pick up

  • 15 pick up

    v. ta upp; gräva upp, hacka upp; skynda; förbättra
    * * *
    1) (to learn gradually, without formal teaching: I never studied Italian - I just picked it up when I was in Italy.) snappa upp, lära sig
    2) (to let (someone) into a car, train etc in order to take him somewhere: I picked him up at the station and drove him home.) hämta, plocka upp
    3) (to get (something) by chance: I picked up a bargain at the shops today.) komma över
    4) (to right (oneself) after a fall etc; to stand up: He fell over and picked himself up again.) resa sig, komma på benen
    5) (to collect (something) from somewhere: I ordered some meat from the butcher - I'll pick it up on my way home tonight.) hämta
    6) ((of radio, radar etc) to receive signals: We picked up a foreign broadcast last night.) fånga upp, uppfatta
    7) (to find; to catch: We lost his trail but picked it up again later; The police picked up the criminal.) [] hitta, fånga

    English-Swedish dictionary > pick up

  • 16 pick up

    1) (to learn gradually, without formal teaching: I never studied Italian - I just picked it up when I was in Italy.) pochytit
    2) (to let (someone) into a car, train etc in order to take him somewhere: I picked him up at the station and drove him home.) naložit, přibrat
    3) (to get (something) by chance: I picked up a bargain at the shops today.) objevit, padnout na
    4) (to right (oneself) after a fall etc; to stand up: He fell over and picked himself up again.) vstát
    5) (to collect (something) from somewhere: I ordered some meat from the butcher - I'll pick it up on my way home tonight.) vyzvednout si
    6) ((of radio, radar etc) to receive signals: We picked up a foreign broadcast last night.) (za)chytit
    7) (to find; to catch: We lost his trail but picked it up again later; The police picked up the criminal.) najít; zadržet, zatknout
    * * *
    • zvednout

    English-Czech dictionary > pick up

  • 17 pick up

    1) (to learn gradually, without formal teaching: I never studied Italian - I just picked it up when I was in Italy.) pochytiť
    2) (to let (someone) into a car, train etc in order to take him somewhere: I picked him up at the station and drove him home.) naložiť, vziať
    3) (to get (something) by chance: I picked up a bargain at the shops today.) objaviť, natrafiť na
    4) (to right (oneself) after a fall etc; to stand up: He fell over and picked himself up again.) vstať
    5) (to collect (something) from somewhere: I ordered some meat from the butcher - I'll pick it up on my way home tonight.) vyzdvihnúť si
    6) ((of radio, radar etc) to receive signals: We picked up a foreign broadcast last night.) (za)chytiť
    7) (to find; to catch: We lost his trail but picked it up again later; The police picked up the criminal.) nájsť; zadržať
    * * *
    • vyzdvihnút
    • zdvihnút

    English-Slovak dictionary > pick up

  • 18 pick up

    1) (to learn gradually, without formal teaching: I never studied Italian - I just picked it up when I was in Italy.) a prinde (din zbor)
    2) (to let (someone) into a car, train etc in order to take him somewhere: I picked him up at the station and drove him home.) a lua în
    3) (to get (something) by chance: I picked up a bargain at the shops today.) a găsi (din întâmplare)
    4) (to right (oneself) after a fall etc; to stand up: He fell over and picked himself up again.) a se ridica
    5) (to collect (something) from somewhere: I ordered some meat from the butcher - I'll pick it up on my way home tonight.) a trece să ia
    6) ((of radio, radar etc) to receive signals: We picked up a foreign broadcast last night.) a re­cep­ţiona
    7) (to find; to catch: We lost his trail but picked it up again later; The police picked up the criminal.) a regăsi; a prinde

    English-Romanian dictionary > pick up

  • 19 pick up

    1) (to learn gradually, without formal teaching: I never studied Italian - I just picked it up when I was in Italy.) μαθαίνω εμπειρικά
    2) (to let (someone) into a car, train etc in order to take him somewhere: I picked him up at the station and drove him home.) παίρνω με το αυτοκίνητο μου
    3) (to get (something) by chance: I picked up a bargain at the shops today.) βρίσκω τυχαία
    4) (to right (oneself) after a fall etc; to stand up: He fell over and picked himself up again.) σηκώνομαι όρθιος
    5) (to collect (something) from somewhere: I ordered some meat from the butcher - I'll pick it up on my way home tonight.) περνώ να πάρω
    6) ((of radio, radar etc) to receive signals: We picked up a foreign broadcast last night.) πιάνω(εκπομπή)
    7) (to find; to catch: We lost his trail but picked it up again later; The police picked up the criminal.) βρίσκω,πιάνω

    English-Greek dictionary > pick up

  • 20 pick up

    1) (to learn gradually, without formal teaching: I never studied Italian - I just picked it up when I was in Italy.) apprendre
    2) (to let (someone) into a car, train etc in order to take him somewhere: I picked him up at the station and drove him home.) prendre
    3) (to get (something) by chance: I picked up a bargain at the shops today.) dénicher
    4) (to right (oneself) after a fall etc; to stand up: He fell over and picked himself up again.) se relever
    5) (to collect (something) from somewhere: I ordered some meat from the butcher - I'll pick it up on my way home tonight.) (passer) prendre
    6) ((of radio, radar etc) to receive signals: We picked up a foreign broadcast last night.) capter
    7) (to find; to catch: We lost his trail but picked it up again later; The police picked up the criminal.) retrouver; arrêter

    English-French dictionary > pick up

См. также в других словарях:

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  • pick — 1 /pIk/ verb (T) 1 CHOOSE STH to choose someone or something good or suitable from a group or range of people or things: Students have to pick three courses from a list of 15. | Let me pick a few examples at random. | pick your words (=be careful …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • pick — pick1 W1S1 [pık] v [T] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(choose something)¦ 2¦(flowers/fruit etc)¦ 3¦(remove something)¦ 4 pick your way through/across/among etc something 5 pick your nose 6 pick your teeth 7 pick somebody s brains 8 pick a quarrel/fight (with… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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  • The Chronicles of Amber — is group of novels that comprise a fantasy series written by Roger Zelazny. The main series consists of two story arcs, each five novels in length. Additionally, there are a number of Amber short stories and other works. The Amber stories take… …   Wikipedia

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